One Ummah's Worldwide Projects 
Allah (s.w.t.) says:
“Whoever saves one life it is as though he has
saved the whole of mankind.”

[Quran 5:32] 
One Ummah Charity have many life-saving projects across 18 calamity-stricken countries worldwide including:

Syria, Yemen, Gaza, Pakistan, Kenya
and 13 others!
Choose from one of our AMAZING projects below and earn beautiful rewards for saving all of mankind. 
Afghanistan Emergency Appeal 
Our Afghan brothers and sisters are in urgent need of assistance. They need our help right now more than ever. 

1 in 3 people are hungry. 
2 million children are malnourished. 

 You can provide emergency aid to save lives today.

Yemen Emergency Appeal 
22.2 million Yemenis are now in need of urgent humanitarian assistance after a ruthless civil war disrupted the majority of Yemen. 85,000 children have already died and millions more are at risk of losing their lives because of malnutrition.

 You can provide emergency aid and give them some relief today.

Gaza Emergency Appeal 
More than 2 million people are crammed into Gaza, one of the most densely populated cities on earth. The majority live under the poverty line and rely on your donations to survive. You can provide emergency aid and give them some relief today.

One Ummah are on the ground across all areas of Gaza, ready to deliver your donations. 

Winter Appeal 
Winter in some countries can mean the difference between life and death. Our winter packs include a hat, gloves, scarf, blanket and coat and saves many men, women and children from the freezing sub-zero temperatures in the winter months.

A small donation can go a long way in providing relief to desperate families in need worldwide.

Non-Ramadan Food Packs
Millions are hungry worldwide and they have no idea where their next meal will come from.

You can provide a food pack across 18 calamity-stricken countries and feed a family of 5 for twice a day for an entire month.

Earn rewards for carrying out one of the best deeds a Muslim can carry out - feeding the needy. 

Ramadan Food Packs
When you feed people who are fasting, you earn the reward for fasting without even fasting yourself. Isn't that amazing? 

Every Ramadan, One Ummah provide Ramadan Food Packs in 18 countries to allow the needy to open and break their fast. 

Donate now to feed the needy and earn priceless duas from the oppressed. 

Orphan Sponsorship
The Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) said: “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together to illustrate. [Bukhari] 

The ones who take care of precious orphans are the ones who deserve this reward!

You can take care of an orphan for only £30 a month, which is just £1 a day.  

Drops of Mercy
Earn ongoing reward for yourself or a loved one by donating towards our amazing Sadaqah Jariyah project - Drops of Mercy - providing hand pumps and bore wells to those in need.

Sa’d ibn Ubadah reported that he asked the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), “O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?” The Prophet (ﷺ), said, “Yes.” I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “A drink of water.”

Build a Masjid
Every community needs a masjid where the local Muslims can worship Allah swt and send their children to correctly learn how to practice this beautiful religion: Islam.

From £6500, you can build a Masjid in your choice of name and be rewarded for the thousands of people who will pray salah, remember Allah swt and recite/memorise the holy Qur’an. The minimum capacity for our masajid is 100 worshippers.

Zakah is one of the Pillars of Islam and an islamic obligation that must be performed once a year. Zakah is not an option it is a compulsory act for all Muslims. It is an act in which one pays 2.5% of their annual savings to those in need. It is a religious duty which washes away impurities from our provision and ensures excess wealth is distributed amongst those in need.

Donate your Zakah today.

Ongoing Sadaqah Fund

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).” [Hadith, Sahih Muslim]

For only £5 a month, you can help One Ummah carry out and administer all of the above projects across 18 countries  and thereby save countless lives and in the process earn Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity). 

Make your opportunities count and donate today to SAVE LIVES today and earn yourself beautiful Sadaqah Jariyah rewards. 

May Allah swt reward you abundantly. 
Donate now and Save Lives Today
by Choosing a Project Above! 
We are supported by many world-renowned speakers
Syria has been suffering for more than a decade. Torture, death & suffering has spared nobody. More than 600,000 people have been killed and 13.1 million people are now in need of urgent humanitarian aid, including 5 million children. A total of 69% of civilians in Syria are languishing in extreme poverty. and millions have escaped the country, now living in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, waiting for emergency aid.
With an estimated 1.7 million Palestinians crammed into just 140 square miles, Gaza is one of the most crowded places on earth. This ‘open-air prison’ has seen war after war, with thousands of innocent people killed. Some 10% of children under five have had their growth stunted. With 80% of households in Gaza urgently requiring some form of financial assistance, the struggle of the people is indescribable.

War and natural disasters have caused huge suffering across Afghanistan for millions. Hunger is currently affecting more than 22 million people and the majority of the country are living on less than $1 a day, with no real means to eat sufficiently on a day-to-day basis. 2 million children under the age 5 are suffering from a form of acute malnutrition.

In Somalia, there are over 3 million people lacking satisfactory daily meals whilst 800,000 are currently on the brink of famine. The number of starving Somalis has gone up tenfold within the last year. The WFP estimates that 388,000 children under 5 are acutely malnourished; that includes 87,000 who are severely malnourished and at risk of contracting disease, or worse, losing their lives.
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